
Mission & Values


In collaboration with Uber EMEA's agile in-house creative team, we crafted a unified mission statement and set of values, striving to nurture a cohesive global corporate culture and help employees connect their contributions to positive, real-world impact. The initiative went beyond traditional implementation, as the values, initially expressed through idents, quickly permeated various aspects of the organisation. Widely adopted, these values found a prominent presence in meeting rooms, Slack communications, merchandise, and installations, evolving into a distinct and pervasive identity within Uber's corporate fabric.

Jerome Austria, Daniel Hennessy, Alex Bolderoff, Tomas Janicek, Leonie Hunter, Zoe-Russell-Turner, Zipeng Zhu
Art Direction
Graphic Design
Environmental Design
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The process continued as we developed installation concepts at various scales, from massive to micro, and Uber offices worldwide embraced and implemented them. Collaborating with Hush Studio in Brooklyn, we transformed our values into live data visualisations prominently displayed to inspire anyone walking into an Uber space.

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